הטבלה שלהלן כוללת משכורות במון אקטיב כפי שהוזנו ע"י עובדי מון אקטיב בעבר ובהווה. כל שורה מייצגת ממוצע שכר לאותו תפקיד בחברת מון אקטיב ובנוסף ניתן להקליק על המספר בכל שורה ולראות את התפלגות המשכורות השונות לאותו תפקיד. הקלקה על שם התפקיד תעביר אתכם לעמוד משכורות מכלל החברות לתפקיד הנבחר.
Moon Active is one of the world's fastest-growing mobile game startups, providing entertainment for millions of active users across the universe. Our #1 game, Coin Master, was launched in 2016, and quickly earned its reputation as one of the most interactive social games around, connecting players worldwide to one another.
Moon Active prides itself on producing high-quality games powered by advanced technology that engage, entertain and can be enjoyed by players across all cultures and demography. Founded in 2011, the company is headquartered in the heart of Tel Aviv, Israel, with a second office in Kiev, Ukraine; two mobile game capitals of the world. Moon Active now has over 150+ talented team members after experiencing rapid growth with a 4x increase in 2018, and is impressively continuing on this upward spiral while maintaining its intimate culture. This ongoing advancement has truly solidified Moon Active's position as a major player amongst the top game companies.
Moon Active games have had over 100 million downloads in more than 136 countries worldwide. Leading the way is Coin Master, which was ranked globally as a Top grossing game in every country it was launched.